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slayerrr12's github profile

A discord bot that does wonders


pavitrachavda97's github profile

This is a simple and entertaining game where your task is to hit the moles as they randomly pop up from their holes. The objective is to score as many points as possible


pewpewnor's github profile

Forum-based and community-based social media website


sshiwangi's github profile

reactjs Quiz is a user-friendly WebApp that presents a set of four answer choices for each question. By selecting the appropriate option, users can swiftly evaluate their performance and receive a calculated score based on the number of correct answers.

Dragon-Dino Game

akshaysoni10's github profile

A dragon-dino game in which a dino is jump over a dragon and a scoreboard at the top is automatically increases.


Hemant2335's github profile

This is a replica pf other movies platform where you can get details and related details of the Movies and Tv shows

Etch-A-Sketch Project

jfmartinz's github profile

An Etch A Sketch is a classic children's toy that allows you to draw pictures by turning two knobs to control a stylus that moves across a screen. Recreating an Etch A Sketch in javascript involves capturing the user's input from the keyboard or mouse and updating the display accordingly.

Medical Chatbot using Google Cloud

Parmesh119's github profile

This whole ChatBot we created to learn and our main motive is to digitalize the medical field because India is very behind in medical technologies. The big cities have many facilities but small village people cannot go to big cities and afford the cost. With the use of these ChatBots, if they have small smartphones they can easily get the solution.

Time Watcher

Avdhesh-Varshney's github profile

This project can tell you about how much time has gone from the entered date and time even in milli-seconds.

Notes App

ratishjain12's github profile

A note taking app like google keep which helps you note down and store anything.